Poster Session

A poster session at the conference can be an excellent way to present your results. You prepare your poster, which is displayed at the conference. Conference attendees can read what you have written on your poster and, at select times during the conference, you stand by your poster to answer questions.

Your poster will be displayed on a poster board. ISNNM 2012 committee will provide you with a free display board that opens to 180 cm (hight) by 90 cm (width).

You should bring your poster with you to the scheduled room, and post it on the designated poster panel on the designated date. At the end of the poster session, do net forget to detach your poster.

Poster Presenters are expected to register and pay for the conference and assume all arrangements related to the poster session.

ISNNM Secretariat
단체명: (사)한국분말야금학회 / 대표: 한유동 / 고유번호: 220-82-02141
개인정보관리책임자: 고은아 / 소재지: 서울시 강남구 역삼 635-4 과학기술회관 신관 908호
대표전화: 02-539-4603 / 이메일: